Closed Communion
This is a paper prepared by the Rev. David Jay Webber which lists the many passages from the Lutheran Confessions which address the topic of worship and the liturgy in the Lutheran Church. Copied here in case it goes off-line.
Rev. David Millette (Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada) has prepared a brief summary of the meaning of the Divine Service. Copied here in case the link is down.
A series of bulletin inserts from Rev. Michael McCoy's Scholia website confessing the merits and dynamics of the historic liturgy of the church.
These notes were prepared by Rev. David Oberdieck (Trinity Lutheran Church, Lebanon, Missouri). They are brief enough to be reprinted as a bulletin insert. They have been modified and published on the Brothers of John the Steadfast site.
"The Lutheran Hymnal
Daily Office" intends to become a companion volume to The Lutheran
Hymnal. The Daily Office will include antiphons, responsories, texts,
rubrics and music to allow a more traditional, rich, and beautiful
celebration of Matins and Vespers. As such, it should become a help to
pastors and others who would like to begin the daily singing of the
offices in the congregations or among other groups.
Church Year and Pericope
Rev. Doug May (Hope
Lutheran Church, Socorro, New Mexico) publishes weekly readings from
the Book of Concord which correspond to the appointed readings (OT,
epistle, or Gospel readings) for each Sunday in the Church for the
three-year lectionary. This site has an archive of past selections. New
selections are published weekly on the Lutheran Liturgy discussion
group (subscribe).
This resource provides
a listing of the readings from the three-year lectionary series. In
addition, links to service notes and the complete readings are
provided. Although the readings are from the three-year series, the
service notes are for both the one-year and three-year lectionary
This page reprints the
daily reading schedule of the Psalms from The Lutheran Hymnal (pp.
166-167) -- "The Psalter Distributed over Thirty-One Days". This
version provides links to the Psalms for easy reference and reading.
Individual Cups and Chalice
The topic of the use of the chalice and/or individual cups is often a thorny one. When someone dares to bring it up they are often accused of majoring in minors. However, it was not apparently a “minor” issue not worth discussing when over the past century many, if not most, of our congregations gave up, or moved away from, the scriptural, historic and catholic (i.e. universal) use of the chalice towards widespread acceptance of the use of either glass or plastic individual cups. Originally from
One-Year or Three-Year Pericope
Miscellaneous Items
This web page lists all of the "What About" series
prepared by the late Rev. Dr. Alvin Barry (past President of the LCMS).
The copyright on this booklet allows for it to be freely distributed in
electronic format, as long as it is not changed and there is no money
made off the exchange. The files are in PDF format.
"The Survival of the Historic Vestments in the Lutheran Church after 1555"
by Arthur Carl Piepkorn
This site has made Piepkorn's book available in electronic format. The copy we had has copyright probems; if anyone has a copy please send it to us; it is no longer published according to our research.
The use of images in the life of the church is nothing new. Crucifixes (crosses depicted with the
body of Christ nailed on them) have been used in the church catholic (i.e. universal) for over a
millennium. They also have a long history within Lutheranism. Many believe wrongly that the
use of crucifixes is a “Roman Catholic” practice. Yet, the use of crucifixes, statues and other
images have always been a regular and routine fixture in Lutheran congregations, both during
Luther’s lifetime, and among the founding fathers of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.
Though there is a “catholic” element to the use of crucifixes, there is nothing uniquely “Roman
Catholic” about it. Originally posted at at
Language and Bible Resources
Bible Gateway is a free
service for reading and researching scripture online-- all in the
language or translation of your choice! We provide advanced searching
capabilities based on keywords or scripture references, and various
tools to enhance your study of the Bible. It can also be accessed via another URL.
e-Sword is a fast and
effective way to study the Bible. e-Sword is feature rich and user
friendly with more capabilities than you would expect in a free
software package. This is a freeware program that offers multiple Bible
versions plus Commentaries and Dictionaries.
This is a comprehensive
directory of academic internet resources related to the New Testament.
It is divided into (at present) nine sub-directories and dozens of
pages, each relating to a specific topic. Every link is annotated. The
annotations help users to pinpoint the information for which they are
looking. This website focuses on resources that will be of interest to
both scholars and students of the New Testament.
The purpose of this Web site is to provide resources for people seeking to
know the Living God and His Word through the original language of the
New Testament, Koine Greek.
Obsolete Links
The following liks are left here for a period of time; they no longer work, but if someone reading this knows where they have moved (or can find them) we'd be happy to place them back on this page:
This is an "unofficial"
webspage of Online Bible links, designed to get new people started the
easiest possible way.
Greek is based on the QuickMem engine to help you learn New Testament
Greek vocabulary. The words lists are based on Bruce M.
Metzger’s Lexical Aids for Students of New Testament Greek
covering all words occurring ten or more times in the New Testament.
Rev Todd Peperkorn
(Messiah Lutheran Church, Kenosha, WI) and Rev. Thomas Hoyt (Holy Cross
Lutheran Church, Warda, TX) are working together to produce the TLH
one-year lectionary readings with the New King James translation. About
80% of the readings are completed.
Rev. Todd Peperkorn (Messiah Lutheran Church, Kenosha, WI) publishes weekly
readings from the Book of Concord which correspond to the appointed
readings (OT, epistle, or Gospel readings) for each Sunday in the
Church for the one-year lectionary. This site has an archive of past
selections. New selections are published weekly on the Historic
Preaching List
of Confess and Teach for
Updated: 2009-05-28